Organic wholesale, herb and spices, bulk dry botanicals and ingredients. Raw, Vegetarian, Vegan, health foods, supplements, herbal teas, seasonings, vegetable oils and gourmet culinary items.
High in Vitamin C.
Also known as roselle, Sudanese tea, red tea, and Jamaica sorrel–designate the flowers (actually calyces and bracts) of Hibiscus sabdariffa L.
This red–flowered annual herb of the family Malvaceae is widely cultivated throughout the tropics, reaching a height of 4 to 5 feet or more. Its flower heads are collected when immature and are highly prized for making jams, jellies, sauces, and acid beverages. The floral parts make a pleasant tea and are used by themselves or mixed with other herb teas. Fresh loaded with Vitamin C and caffeine–free! Hibiscus flowers have been grown for centuries in the rich silt of the Nile Valley, where people use the flowers to make a tart, vibrantly–colored beverage. An infusion of hibiscus flowers, hot or cold, is a healthful and refreshing beverage. 100% pure hibiscus tea is a popular, healthy drink enjoyed since ancient times.
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Hibiscus contains various anthocyanins and other pigments plus relatively large amounts of oxalic, malic, citric, and tartaric acid, as well as up to 28% of hibiscic acid (the lactone of a hydroxycitric acid).
These plant acids are responsible for the tart, refreshing taste of various hibiscus beverages and foods. They may also account for the mild laxative and diuretic effects attributed to the plant.
For caffeine free tea boil water and add preferred amount of Hibisucs. Use a mesh tea–ball to steep in hot water for 5–8 minutes. Enjoy!
Note: These statements have not been evaluated by the US Food and Drug Administration, and this product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. We at eSutras do not recommend internal use of supplements or herbs without prior consultation with your doctor or herbalist.
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