Organic wholesale, herb and spices, bulk dry botanicals and ingredients. Raw, Vegetarian, Vegan, health foods, supplements, herbal teas, seasonings, vegetable oils and gourmet culinary items.
Nutmeg is excellent for eggnog and numerous mulled wines and punches.
Nutmeg is usually associated with sweet, spicy dishes — pies, puddings, custards, cookies and spice cakes. It combines well with many cheeses, and is included in souffles and cheese sauces
Of all the well-loved seasonal spices, nutmeg stands out for its long and slightly twisted history. A seed of unusual potency, strong enough to fight infection (including the Black Plague), stimulating enough to bring on menstruation, poisonous enough to induce an abortion. It also earned shady credentials for inducing a kind of hazy, druglike high that could include hallucinations.
Nutmeg is usually associated with sweet, spicy dishes — pies, puddings, custards, cookies and spice cakes. It combines well with many cheeses, and is included in souffles and cheese sauces. In soups it works with tomatoes, slit pea, chicken or black beans.
It complements egg dishes and vegetables like cabbage, spinach, broccoli, beans onions and eggplant.
It flavors Italian mortadella sausages, Scottish haggis and Middle Eastern lamb dishes. It is often included as part of the Moroccan spice blend ras el hanout.
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