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Various parts of the neem tree have been used as traditional Ayurvedic medicine in India.
Many people have heard of neem oil as an insecticide, but few are aware of the amazing and varied medicinal properties of neem leaves. In India the situation is different. Ayurvedic medicine has always strongly relied on the leaf.
Over 75% of Ayurvedic remedies contain neem, usually in form of leaf (or extract), sometimes the bark/fruit/flowers, and almost never the oil. The leaf is also the part of the neem plant that western medicine knows the most about. It can be made safe for consumption.
Neem leaves are considered safe to take internally on a regular or daily basis. In the thousands of years that people across India have been taking neem there have never been any reports of negative side effects from leaves.
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Various parts of the neem tree have been used as traditional Ayurvedic medicine in India. Neem oil and the bark and leaf extracts have been therapeutically used as folk medicine for an array of ailments.
Note: These statements have not been evaluated by the US Food and Drug Administration, and this product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. We at eSutras do not recommend internal use of supplements or herbs without prior consultation with your doctor or herbalist.
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