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Ayurvedic tonic called "the elixir of life" of a garden. Feeding animals a high-flavonoid diet might confer resistance to UV light and make them better suited for interplanetary travel, Tepfer suggests. “They might become more ultraviolet-resistant,” he says. “Red wine or green tea, anyone?”
The ancient Ayurvedic tonic called "the elixir of life" is made from Morning Glory Seeds because of their wide–ranging properties.
Tepfer and Leach exposed three types of seeds—morning glory, tobacco, and A. thaliana—to high doses of UV light. Tepfer and Leach thought morning glory seeds might do well based on their large size, tough seed coats, and ability to survive for more than 50 years in soil. They found that only morning glory seeds germinated after being exposed to light roughly 6 million times the dose typically used to sterilize drinking water, conditions that killed the much smaller tobacco and A. thaliana seeds.
The team suggests a protective coating containing flavonoids, compounds commonly found in wine and tea that act as natural sunscreens, might be responsible for the seeds’ robustness, they reported in March in Astrobiology.
Feeding animals a high-flavonoid diet might confer resistance to UV light and make them better suited for interplanetary travel, Tepfer suggests. “They might become more ultraviolet-resistant,” he says. “Red wine or green tea, anyone?”
Morning Glory is also a popular climbing vine with beautiful flowers.
There are many sorts of morning glory seeds. At the moment we sell Heavenly Blue, Flying Saucers, Pearly Gates and Blue Star. Heavenly blue seeds are most popular. They are used for tripping because they contain the highest amount of LSA of all kinds. The description of effects and user information below concern only this variety.
The other varieties are most often used for growing.Flying saucer is known for its large 10 cm large trumpet-shaped flowers, which are lavender-lilac to sky blue and white striped.
Pearly Gates has pure white flowers with creamy throats.Blue Star is a rare variety. It has pale sky blue flowers with five blue streaks forming a 'star' and golden yellow throats.
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