Sagargotha Seeds (Cresal) (Caesalpinia bonducella)
  • Sagargotha Seeds (Cresal) (Caesalpinia bonducella)

Sagargotha Seeds (Cresal) (Caesalpinia bonducella)


Beneficial to the reproductive system of men and women


Sagargotha Seeds come from a prickly shrub widely distributed all over the world especially in India, Srilanka and Nigeria. It is called Seyo or Sereyo in Yorubaland. “Bonducella” the name of the species is derived from the Arabic word “Bonduce” meaning a “little ball” which indicated the globular shape of the seed. Every part of the plant: root, seed, leaves and flowers are useful for therapeutic purposes.

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An anti–aging to anti–oxidants is well known. One group of natural sources for hormones is the plant steroid. Cresal is the plant of choice. It has a 5,000 year–old history of medicinal use in India. . The oil from the seeds is said to soften the skin and remove pimples.

Note: These statements have not been evaluated by the US Food and Drug Administration, and this product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. We at eSutras do not recommend internal use of supplements or herbs without prior consultation with your doctor or herbalist.


Data sheet

3 years
Botanical Name
(Cresal) (Caesalpinia bonducella)
Sagargotha seeds (Cresal)